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ACRE Reopening Info Sheet - Updated
National ACRE has revised its reopening information sheet for community halls in line with the Government's 4 step roadmap out of lockdown. You can download a copy of the sheet (version 9 dated 26 March 2021) from the ACRE website here. Appendices to the information sheet are also available, please contact our Community Facilities Adviser - [email protected].
Our website has further Covid-19 help and guidance for community and village halls. And our Covid-19 financial help for community facilities webpage contains information about the new Restart Grant Scheme which starts on 1st April and which is available via local authorities - community buildings with a rateable value are eligible.
We run a bespoke membership scheme for community facilities such as village halls, church halls, playing fields and recreation grounds. The membership fee is £40 per annum (April-March) and benefits include up to 5 hours' free 'phone/email/Zoom support.You can find a full list of membership benefits on our membership page under the village halls tab here. And you can join by completing our electronic membership form.