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Community Facilities Membership
Make sure your organisation becomes a Community Facilities Member.

At Northamptonshire ACRE, we run a great Community Facilities Advisory Service for our members. We give our members quality support and advice, helping them to run Northamptonshire's valuable community facilities more effectively. If your organisation managages a community faclity - whether a village or church hall, community centre, playing field, park or recreation ground - why not think about becoming a member? It costs just £40 a year (£48 inc VAT) and you'll enjoy up to five hours' FREE email/Zoom/'phone support. For how to join, just go to the membership section on our home page.
If you're not a Member of Northamptonshire ACRE, we would still be very happy to help you with any queries you may have, but there may be a charge for this service. Please contact our Community Facilities Adviser, [email protected], for a preliminary chat.