APPG Rural Health and Care Inquiry

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Major Inquiry highlights the urban-rural divide in accessing health and care

The three- year investigation undertaken by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Rural Health and Care and the National Centre for Rural Health and Care is one of the most extensive of its kind.

Chaired by Anne Marie Morris, MP, the Inquiry was set up just prior to the COVID pandemic to identify and ultimately address inequalities in rural health and care. It also found that the pandemic had major negative effects, resulting in damage to the wellbeing of health and care workers, staff shortages and the financial viability of care homes. The pandemic saw an increase in the number of people migrating to rural areas and the Inquiry highlights the need for Government to take notice of the impact on health services of the growing rural population.

The inquiry was originally published in Feburary but was rather overtaken by other events that were happening at the time. However, the APPG is relaunching the inquiry report and we would urge anyone with an interest in rural affairs to read at least the overview with its summary of the 12 recommendations for Government. Now more than ever, with the new Integrated Care System in place, what the inquiry is saying is very relevant to rural health and care.

Overview of the Inquiry here or download the full report here.