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Community Planning
Introduction to Community Led Planning
Parish or Community Plans? Village Design Statements or Neighbourhood Plans? Is your community thinking of starting a plan but not sure what’s the right one to do? If so we offer a handy one-off ‘Introduction to Community Led Planning’. This presentation to your community lasts up to two hours and costs £40 plus expenses for members of NACRE and £60 plus expenses for non-members of NACRE.
Here’s what you’ll find out:
What is Community Led Planning?
The different types of CLP:
- Parish plans, Village Design Statements and Neighbourhood Plans comparison
- Which is the best for your community? - The benefits, potential issues and actions that might arise from your chosen plan
- Community plans and the ACRE CLP LEAD process
The first four steps in the LEAD process:
- Step 1: Getting started – launching your plan, advice on involvements
- Step 2: Establishing a steering group - advice on constitution, roles and responsibilities, Terms of reference, budgets, Governance and bank accounts
- Step 3: Planning and taking stock – advice on project plan composition, community asset and profile stocktaking, funding review
- Step 4 Community Consultation
Demonstration of ACRE/OCSI parish plan report for your community
And as part of this package, we’ll provide you with these documents:
- Model Terms of Reference for steering group
- Model Terms of Reference for working groups
- Model constitution documents for Steering Group
- Suggested Steering Group roles
- Key contact list
We’ll also give you a copy of the Northamptonshire ACRE PowerPoint presentation.
Find out more about the services we offer to help you with your chosen plan. Just contact Elaine O'Leary email [email protected]