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The latest transport directory is now available
The latest transport directory is now available
Community transport providers in Northamptonshire provide a valuable and often essential service to vulnerable people. Poor rural bus networks cause isolation and push more people into poverty. Community transport schemes across Northamptonshire help 1000s of people reach doctors and hospital appointments and take them to fetch groceries.
With thanks to all the organisations and transport schemes that have contributed to this guide. This guide is updated regularly, and every effort was made to ensure the information was correct when it was published. Please contact Northamptonshire ACRE should you wish amendments to be made to the content in the directory or if you are aware of a scheme not included. If you are an local authority, organisation or business wishing to use the information from directory, please ensure that you credit Northamptonshire ACRE as your source providing a link to our website and contact information.
For your copy please contact Northamptonshire ACRE- 01604 765888 [email protected]