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Training - Trustee Roles and Responsibilities
Trustee Roles and Responsibilities Training
Thursday, 28th April, 2022 – 10.30 am-12.30pm
To be held via Zoom
Cost: £25pp (member) & £30pp (non-member)
This will be ideal training for trustees who are new to the role and also established trustees wishing to up-date their knowledge. It will also be of relevance to parish clerks and parish councillors where the parish council is Sole Trustee or Custodian Trustee of a community building or playing field association. Equally, parochial church councillors (i.e. trustees of ecclesiastical charities) will find this of relevance.
The aim of the training is to help trustees to understand their legal responsibilities. The session will cover:
- 7 key duties of a charity trustee
- the role of charity (managing) trustees
- the role of custodian and holding trustees
- parish councils: custodian trustee/sole trustee
- trustee liability
- an overview of governing documents (trust deed, constitution, CIO etc.)
To book, please contact: [email protected]